Quality vehicle painting in Exeter and East Devon
Auto Paint Repairs provides auto paint repairs and bodywork services in Exeter and East Devon.
Call us today for more details.
Repairing body and paintwork of cars

Auto Paint Repairs can repair all types of minor accidental damage on your car at your home or place of work. You will benefit from highly skilled technicians who have been trained in all aspects of SMART vehicle repair techniques. So if it’s a scuff or split in your plastic bumper, please give us a call. Each of our vans is a fully equipped mobile workshop. We carry everything required to complete a variety of repairs and can match over 45,000 colours.
Making your car look like new with:
Minor body repairs
Split bumper repairs
Alloy wheel refurbishment
Headlight renovation and repairs
Bumper work and restoration
Scuff and scratch repairs
Dent removal

Vehicle paintwork
You can come to us for paint spraying for all cars. We will fully personalise the paintwork to suit your specific requirements.
Get in touch with Auto Paint Repairs for vehicle painting and bodywork in Exeter. You can either email us on
autopaintrepairsexeter@gmail.com or call us on 07801 061 519